Kathlyn Kao
SoSe 23
Kathlyn Kao is an architect & researcher based in Lausanne - Switzerland, where she is part of the Research Innovation and Development on Architecture and Territory (RIOT) lab at EPFL ENAC-IA with Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Nagy Makhlouf, and Summer Islam. She's the co-founder of the research action-oriented firm, Paperwork, with Cindy Yiin, and a practicing architect with Dream the Combine. Her work has been featured in publications like Harvard Urban Review, Room 1000, and Pairs. She recently completed two installations, afterimages installation as part of the Dream the Combine team for the 2023 Venice Biennale “Laboratory of the Future”, and Scales of Extraction: Politicizing Construction Materials for the 2021 Architecture and Urbanism Seoul Biennale with Charlotte Malterre-Barthes. Kathlyn has practiced in New York and Boston with firms like DiMella Shaffer and Christoff: Finio Architecture. She received her Bachelor of Architecture from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and her Master of Architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design.
This lecture is a critical spatial study on the capital of absence and its material foil, remittances, to understand how migrants influence ways of living and economies of various countries. In a larger arc, the research dovetails into RIOT’s objective - to find global strategies to decarbonize, decolonize, and depatriarchalize the supply chain of space production—as an urgent and necessary step towards reform, working towards dismantling, untangling, deconstructing the complicated landscape of space production.
Tuesday 13th June at 19:00, AUDIMAX. Steubenstraße 6, 99423 Weimar.
Poster design: Lynn Rosa Haag & Elsa Babtist