Rosabella Álvarez-Calderón
WiSe 22/23
Rosabella Álvarez-Calderón is a professor in the Department of Architecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She holds a Master's in Critical Conservation from Harvard University and a BA in Archaeology. She has worked as a consultant for UNESCO, the Ministries of Culture and Tourism in Peru, and for local government and urban planning institutions in the USA. She is co-founder and director of "Activa la Huaca" and "Huaca Fest", projects which combine research in urban and archaeological heritage with place-making, education, and activism, and in 2021 she was a Mellon History Teaching Fellow in Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks in Washington DC.
What to expect in tthe upcoming lecture:
Rethinking Ruins - How does the past and history of places, particularly their visibility, invisibility and the memories associated, shape not only their current form, but also the way people relate and understand them? In historic cities, how have ancient sites shaped and been shaped by urban development, and how could this knowledge contribute to the design of multiscale interventions that are site- and community-sensitive?Her research and activism focuses on the complex and often contested relationship between the city of Lima and its past, especially issues of identity, inequality, access, the right to heritage and to public space, and rethinking the discomfort with decay and age.
Tuesday 24th Januar at 19:00, Oberlichtsaal - main building, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 99423 Weimar.
Poster design: Henry Boebst